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drug formulary中文是什么意思

用"drug formulary"造句"drug formulary"怎么读"drug formulary" in a sentence


  • (处方药物表 由保险机构与药剂师及医生,共同划定的药剂产品列表,藉以在不影响素质的情况下,增加处方配药的效益。


  • Ha releases drug formulary review report
  • Maintain hospital drug formulary control
  • This practice will continue after the introduction of a standard drug formulary by the ha
  • The draft standard drug formulary made public by the ha on 18 february contains a total of 1 273 different drugs
    医管局在二月十八日公布的《标准药物名册》草拟本共载列了1 , 273种不同药物。
  • Of the drugs that are currently available to patients at the standard fees and charges , 32 of them are excluded from the draft standard drug formulary
  • Translation since 2005 , the hospital authority " ha " has implemented the hospital authority drug formulary " the formulary " in public hospitals and clinics
    自2005年起,医院管理局"医管局"已在各公立医院和诊所推行医院管理局药物名册"药物名册" 。
  • A handful of drugs outside the standard drug formulary are proven to be of significant benefits but extremely expensive for the ha to provide as part of its subsidised service
  • Of the measures to ensure that elderly patients in public hospitals have the right to make an informed choice of drugs upon the introduction of a standard drug formulary by the hospital authority , and that they will not be deprived of drugs outside the drug formulary for lack of financial means
  • Other drugs outside the standard drug formulary can be divided into three main groups , namely ( i ) drugs with preliminary medical evidence only ; ( ii ) drugs with marginal benefits over available alternatives but at significantly higher costs ; and ( iii ) life style drugs
    其他不包括在《标准药物名册》内的药物可分为三大类,即( i )仅经初步医疗验证的药物; ( ii )与其他替代药物相比仅具边缘效益,但成本明显昂贵的药物;以及( iii )生活方式药物。
  • Since effective alternative drugs are available in the standard drug formulary , it is not possible to estimate the number of public hospital patients who would purchase drugs at their own expenses after the introduction of the standard drug formulary , or the amount of additional expenditure that would be incurred by these patients
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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